Funny Example of Prayer Not Working

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Are you looking for powerful prayers that can help you uplift your spirit and increase your happiness?

Prayer is one of the most powerful forces in the world. Why? Because prayers can make everything feel right. Regardless of religion, one simple prayer can turn everything around.

We're not saying that prayers can ultimately solve all your problems—what we mean is that prayers can change the way you see things. They can turn a negative feeling into a positive one, and turn your sad thoughts into happier ones.

In this post, we share with you 17 uplifting prayers for happiness from different websites. While we can't promise that these prayers will grant wishes, we are confident that, through them, you might just find happiness and peace of mind.

Let's check them out!

1. An Uplifting Prayer

An Uplifting Prayer | prayers for happiness and strength | happiness prayer quotes

"Heavenly Father, I look around and find sadness all around. Life is difficult for so many. The wicked prosper, and the righteous suffer. I search for answers, but alas, nothing makes sense of all the sorrow. Comfort my soul, O Lord. Send Your Spirit to impart peace and understanding. Kindle the flame of Your love in my heart, that I might be able to ease the pain of my neighbor and bring glory to Your name. In Your dear Son's name, Amen."

Source: Rev. John from All Devotion

2. Prayer When in Pain or Suffering

Prayer When in Pain or Suffering | prayer for happiness and contentment | happiness prayer quotes

"There are times, O Lord when I feel a deep sense of unrest. Trials and tribulations beset me, and I do not know where to turn. I cannot see the reason why suffering must exist, but I trust in your plan. I pray that you will guide me in all ways and help me to make the best of the situation. Help me to find happiness in small things. I pray that you bring me the peace and joy that I seek in life. Amen."

Source: Courtney Pococh from Everyday Know

3. Prayer for Happiness and Peace in Life

"Dear Lord, I pray that you bless me with true happiness and peace in life. Lead me away from hate and anger toward love. From restless mind and anxiety, give me peace. Lead me from fear of death to eternal life.

Dear Lord when I suffer despair and lack of confidence, lead me to hope, faith, and trust. Lead me away from dishonesty and deceit toward eternal truth. Allow eternal peace and tranquility to fill my heart, my mind, my life, and my world. Amen."

Source: Powerful Money Affirmations

4. Ease My Sadness Prayer

Ease My Sadness Prayer | prayers for happiness and peace | prayer for happiness and wealth

"Holy Lord, I want so bad to be happy. I am heartbroken, and my wick has burned out. There is nothing in my cup, and life feels so empty. My soul is beaten down and I am always tired, not wanting to face the day. Yet, through Your bloodshed on the cross, I know You have won my salvation. Bring gladness and joy to my heart, and restore to me the hope of salvation. In Your name alone, Amen."

Source: ConnectUS

5. I Surrender Everything to You Prayer

"O Lord, you are my hope when times are rough. When I encounter heavy burdens, you lift me up and give me a reason to hope for the future. Through you, my heart becomes filled with joy. I have faith that everything that happens is a part of your plan. While I struggle under my burden, I know that you are there to support me and guide me through everything that happens. No matter what happens during this day, I know that your everlasting joy will await me. Even when I struggle and face obstacles, I will feel happy knowing that I am doing your bidding. Please bless me and help me to grow in my knowledge of you. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen."

Source: Courtney Pococh from Everyday Know

6. Prayer for Happiness in Every Moment of Life

"O God, please help me to find rest and happiness within your plan. Make my lips smile longer as I think of moving to an amazing sunlit place. Let me awaken each morning with hope for everything that the world has to offer.

Help me so that I can discover peace, prosperity, and happiness in life. Guide me to find joy in each day and appreciate the beauty of your creation. Teach me how to touch each soul I meet and be thankful for every person in my life.

Teach me how to see a happy life in all of its infinite varieties. Help me to find happiness in every moment as I go through each day. Amen."

Source: Powerful Money Affirmations

7. The Happiness Prayer

The Happiness Prayer | prayer for happiness in the family | prayer for a friend happiness

"Grant to us, O Lord, the royalty of inward happiness, and the serenity which comes from living close to thee. Daily renew in us the sense of joy, and let the eternal spirit of the Father dwell in our souls and bodies, filling every corner of our hearts with light and grace; so that, bearing about with us the infection of good courage, we may be diffusers of life, and may meet all ills and cross accidents with gallant and high-hearted happiness, giving thee thanks always for all things."

Source: Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 – 1894)

8. Send Your Spirit Prayer

send your spirit prayer | prayers for happiness and success | prayer for happiness and wealth

"Dear God, how I long for the joy of Your Spirit. I have sought happiness according to the world. I have chased what they promised would bring me joy and happiness. I have purchased fine things and traveled to far-away places. But all of this is vanity. All of this will perish, but You alone are eternal. Only You can fill the void in our hearts. Help us to rest in Your arms. Amen."

Source: ConnectUS

9. Prayer for Love, Peace, and Happiness

"Lord, I ask that you lead me to peace and happiness. Lead me away from hate and toward love. From war, give me peace. Lead me from death to eternal life. When I suffer despair and fear, lead me to hope and trust. Lead me away from falsehood and toward your truth. Allow peace to fill my heart, my life and my world. Amen."

Source: Courtney Pococh from Everyday Know

10. A Prayer for Joy

A Prayer for Joy | prayers for happiness and success | prayer for happiness and contentment

"Lord Jesus, every good gift is given to us by Your hand. Though we are filled with vanity, You alone can take credit for the good that happens in the world. Therefore, magnify Yourself in our lives. Bring to silence those who condemn us for our sins, and turn our eyes upon Your holy cross. Give us the joy only You can grant, O God, and give us a willing spirit to pursue truth and goodness in our lives. Hear my prayer, O Jesus. Amen."

Source: ConnectUS

11. Prayer for Peace of Mind and Spirit

"O Father in heaven, I ask that you gladden and refresh my spirit. Purify my heart and mind so that I may be at one with you. Even when I am beset by troubles and despair, guide me toward your light and be my refuge. Through you, I no longer feel sorrow or grief. In your love, I can rejoice in everlasting happiness and joy. I will place my anxieties at your feet in the knowledge that you gave me each struggle so that I may triumph and learn. You are more of a friend to me than I am to myself."

Source: Courtney Pococh from Everyday Know

12. Deliver Me from Heartbreak Prayer

Deliver Me from Heartbreak Prayer | prayers for happiness and success | prayer for a friend happiness

"Heavenly Father, my heart has been shattered to pieces. Each day seems impossible to get through. Sunrise to sunset is simply going through the motions. Some days, I don't see the point of it all. You alone, my Lord, are where I find peace. Yet, today You seem so far. Mend my heart, O God. Let me be a branch on Your vine, that I might bring forth fruit in the joy of Your Spirit. Amen."

Source: ConnectUS

13. Prayer for Happiness and Energy

"O Heavenly Father, I pray that you cheer up and refresh my spirit. Gladden my heart and mind so that I may sing your glory. Even when I am overwhelmed by despair and difficulties, guide me toward your light and be my refuge. With Your upon me, I no longer feel sorrow or grief.

In your mercy, I can rejoice in everlasting happiness and joy. I place my anxieties and worries at your feet in the faith that you gave me each challenge so that I may win over and learn. You are a better friend to me than I am to myself.

Dear Father, I pray to you to guide me and strengthen me as I carry a heavy load on my weakened shoulders. The heavy burden weighs down my heart, and sometimes I doubt if at all I can bear it. When I am stressed or anxious, bring me strength and peace. I feel comforted in the strength of your love. Please O Lord, bring me peace in my time of need and help me to find happiness every day. Amen."

Source: Powerful Money Affirmations

14. Gratitude Prayer for Happiness

"Thank you, Lord, for all of your blessings in my life. Thank you for surrounding me with wonderful friends, family members, and neighbors. Thank you for giving us the gift of your beautiful world and all the skies, mountains, and lakes. Thank you for the thrill of celebrations and the enrichment of music. Thank you for all of the animals and creatures that you made. Thank you for giving us the promise of eternity and everlasting life. When I am down or depressed, please remind me of all of the many reasons why I should be thankful and guide my spirit toward your happiness."

Source: Courtney Pococh from Everyday Know

15. Celtic Blessing (An ancient prayer for happiness and joy)

Celtic Blessing (An ancient prayer for happiness and joy) | prayers for happiness and strength | prayer for happiness in the family

"May flowers always line your path and sunshine light your day. May songbirds serenade you every step along the way. May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that's always blue. And may happiness fill your heart each day your whole life through."

Source: Irish Saying/Prayers

16. The Serenity Prayer

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time. Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace. Taking, as he did, the sinful world as it is, not as I would have it.

Trusting that he will make all things right if I surrender to His will; that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him forever."

Source: Reinhold Neibuhr (1892-1971)

17. Morning Prayer for Happiness

"O Father, please help me to find rest within your happiness. Make my smile linger upon my lips as I think back to an amazing memory of a sunlit place. Help me to awaken each morning with hope for everything that the world has to offer. Guide me so that I can discover life in all of its infinite varieties. Help me to discover the joy in each day and the beauty of your creation. As I go through each day, help me to touch each soul I encounter, and be thankful for every person in my life. Amen."

Source: Courtney Pococh from Everyday Know

Final Thoughts on Prayers for Happiness

Prayers provide peace of mind, and a peaceful mind means a happy life. Likewise, prayers can improve your attitude toward people, things, and even God. When you have an excellent relationship with such important matters, you feel a lot better about yourself and your everyday dealings.

We hope that the prayers we shared above can help you live a healthier, happier, and more meaningful life. Whenever you feel like life is getting a bit too tough, seek help and peace from these prayers and acquire the happiness you deserve.

prayers for happiness and peace | prayer for happiness and wealth | prayers for happiness and success


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