A Funny Thing About Regret Is Its Better to Rgret Something Youve Done

  1. Frito Lahey

    Turns out Satan isn't such a bad guy.

  2. Marcin Pasternacki

    Is this sample from Orbital, or Orbital sampled this?

  3. HP Spacecraft

    This is the quintessential Butthole Surfers song. It showcases everything about the band, from their obsession with playing fake Black Sabbath songs to their bizarre, almost profound sense of absurdist humor. It highlights the double drumming really well, and showcases the Gibbytronix. It's the perfect song.

  4. Space Clown

    Lyrics :
    Huggy Bear, Huggy Bear, Huggy Bear, Huggy Bear …
    Gay bar, gay bar, gay bar, gay bar …
    I'm alive! I'm alive! I'm alive! I'm alive! XD

  5. Space Clown

    Still the single greatest album opening I've ever heard.

  6. Weeb Beater

    Long ago satan came into our mortal realm and he left his mark on our world his mark being anime

  7. nonconformist

    This song helped me realize that Satan is responsible for everything I have ever done wrong.

  8. treadh2o

    this is just satanic RHCP Give it Away Now

    Martin Backhouse

    RHCP: "and the butthole surfers.... Said its better to regret... Somethin you've done.... Than somethin you didnt do.... Seen em come.... Seen em go.... Yeh we were lookin.... Lookin for the deep kick..."

  9. Carlitos Mang

    I was the 1000th like on this video 🤘🏽

  10. Tetsu Deinonychus

    Look Daddy! I'm a Surfer!

    Z-Soul 512

    Tetsu Deinonychus nice Simpson's reference good sir

  11. filthyagent36

    Cuck song before the kid knew it, he was raised by Matt Jarbo, collecting boulders for the cucksentration camp.

  12. Charles Quinn

    I used to travel almost endlessly in sales, and I drove my hot rodded '48 Plymouth all over the U.S. doing so. I spent many a night driving long haul always way above the speed limit, with this rattling through my Discman's headphones. Once, my then new girlfriend rode with from Phoenix to Seattle, and bored in the middle of the slipped on the Discman, and seconds later slipped it off. She looked at me, and asked, in her Chinese accent "What the Herr wrong wiff you?" This song was just starting when i slipped them on to hear what she was talking about. Still have her 14 years later, and the Plymouth, too!

  13. xfilm

    The blind eye sees all

  14. Sushi Pack FTW Mega Babies FTL

    Punk rock, hardcore punk, acid rock, avant-punk, noise rock, grunge, alternative metal, alternative rock, psychedelic rock, experimental rock, comedy rock, shock rock,
    stoner rock, post-hardcore, avant-garde, post-grunge, experimental, heavy metal, comedy, crossover thrash, avant-garde metal, psychedelia, occult rock, art punk

  15. Sushi Pack FTW Mega Babies FTL


  16. nice try167

    This song considerably eases my anxiety.

  17. Lemon Hejz

    They really influenced RHCP - Give it away has the same riff, intro is mentioned in Deep Kick's outro. Cool

    Ryan Nace

    ..orrrr...ummm... maybe....uhhh..Black Sabbath????

  18. Mark Armstrong

    How'd you get Youtube's copyright bit changed? This isn't Orbital! Orbital nicked it from BS!

  19. Triumph The Insult Comic Dog

    so either that dog is really tiny...or those clowns are goddamned Giants

  20. ThatOneGuy006

    If you see your mom this weekend, be sure to tell her SATAN!SATAN!SATAN!

  21. Elliott Blake

    Someones been listening to black sabbath ;)

  22. Harvey Tinseltin

    See we take those dead Locas eggs and Enter There Genetic Material in A Fertile Cincada!

  23. Harvey Tinseltin

    Oh never a sweeter, Flavor, To A Cincada with Crisper 9! Ha ha!

  24. DarrenCrossBand


  25. Stuart Wallace

    Best intro ever

    Space Clown

    100% agreement

  26. Sami Ennabli

    Découvert grace a la Volcom Chicagof kids part !!!

  27. mick murray

    Tell your mom.

  28. tothefinlandstation

    I bought this CD when I was 16 or 17 and just had got my driving license. I put it on the Discman I had plugged into the aux input on my GMC Safari minivan, and the slow fade in convinced me it wasn't working, so when I was reaching under the seat to make sure it was plugged in and playing, I veered out of my lane and scraped the car next to me, getting in my first auto accident.

    Andres Escalante

    Was it worth it?


    thats awesome, ah the 80s

    JG Video

    What does regret mean?


    @JG Video Who ?

    JG Video

    @JarlavDon I was referring to the beginning of the song, "Daddy what does regret mean?" Glad you survived.

  29. What Murray

    If you see your mom this weekend tell her SATAN!!

  30. Princess Valeta

    mix this into Ken Ishii EXTRA, it works

  31. stuzaza

    primitive, fck ugly and wonderful. I love your mom btw

  32. lmprdks1

    I saw them play this live a few times back in the day, and between the twisted projections and the strobe lights and the circling audio, there were always a few people in the audience who needed help to keep from completely freaking out in a bad way from the overwhleming AV experience of the Surfers.


    I've seen them in Milwaukee in 87 and 89.

    Sleepy And Weepy

    If I'm ever in a band and don't put at least 6 people into epileptic shock with one performance then I will be a failure

  33. Scott Murdock

    Dunno who uploaded this, but I think it's supposed to be "sweet loaf", a nod to the black sabbath song "sweet leaf", where the main guitar riff came from, because Satan.


    Song's called Sweat Loaf and it is a nod to Sweet leaf


    Are you supposed to be serious?

  34. Rob Barlow

    i'm high.

  35. Trainy

    This is maybe the most disturbing album cover ever for reasons I cannot explain.

    Dario Carpita

    Pogo the clown

    Samantha Gardiner

    It's a painting called fido and it's about the end of this era and the start of the next, maybe satanic, who know s

    Charles Hess

    I think because clown makeup usually masks faces but you can clearly see the real, middle American, faces behind the greasepaint.

  36. Last One

    Satan .....

  37. Richard James

    Jesus wept.

  38. otgdylan

    Me and dad used to rinse this on tape in his shit Citroen van going to pick up smack, them were the days hey

    Joshua Yettou

    I can somehow visually see this 😂 I hope you are off the junk. Lord knows I went down a dark road with that stuff!

    Sleepy And Weepy

    quality bonding time

  39. TPsynth

    ..and by the way...

  40. Donald Westlake

    Love this band

  41. joseph hopeless

    Black Sabbath ripped these guys off, what the fuck! Pretty shitty, Black Sabbath...

  42. linuxel33t

    It's hilarious, because anytime I hear the word regret, this song starts up in my head, and I say, "..the funny thing about regret is..."
    The other thing this imposed is I now call Meatloaf Sweatloaf!
    Have for so long, I forget he has any other name except , "His name was Robert Paulson"

    Scott Murdock

    The name of the song is "sweet loaf" a take on the black sabbath song "sweet leaf", which is where the guitar riff came from.

    The Rusted Dynamo

    @Scott Murdock - it may well be but it's titled "Sweat Loaf" on my copy of the album. :)

  43. Tom Servo

    I am so lukcy i grewup in the era i did? We had the coolest shit in the 80s and early 90s.

  44. OtisspunkmeyerAxiomChannel

    sound like sweet leaf sabbath

    Stevan Kordic

    it's a cover. that's why the name is similar

  45. Jex Jexicon

    Simply Glorious

  46. r3w


  47. Damon Eubanks

    Pretty ballsy of them to put ICP on their album cover. ;)

  48. Nospix

    Good talk Dad.

  49. renzoqu

    im the 46782 person watching this shit. And first comment in 2018. 329th "like" as well. im 32. im having a kid in a 5 months. Im gonna explain him as well everything. About satan and surf.

  50. doctorx0079

    here because of orbital, not gonna lie

  51. _ Adelaide _

    :) We're listening to this LOUD right now...it's still awesome...

    David Sauer

    Listen on LSD. It's a whole different experience.

    David Spangler

    @David Sauer Ear-shatteringly loud on LSD.......


    @David Spangler I saw them tripping at UNM sub ballroom around 1990. Best show I've ever seen.

  52. trade winds

    I should've never listened to this growing up. Because Satan.

    David Sauer

    And LSD


    @David Sauer Fucking Windowpane dealer hits.

  53. Timo Breumelhof

    Yes Son?


    your mommy working crescent Blvd tonite tell u friends..what 88 heard

  54. kevin varnon

    saw them in San Antonio, met gibby at a bar, he asked if I could get him some lsd, it was great!


    The LSD?

    Mad dog Conlon

    Did u get him some?

    Bushrod Rust Johnson

    @Mad dog Conlon Legend has it he gave Gibby a plain sugar cube and he had a relapse trip.

    Mad dog Conlon

    @Bushrod Rust Johnson legend also has it that Gibby dug up the corpse of Elvis and fucked his skull until it cracked and turned to dust, Gibby naturally snorted said dust

    Noneof Yourbusiness

    @Mad dog Conlon , It happened I was there. Good times!

  55. Xenium Xneum

    remember the remix?

  56. christopher Richards

    i can see it, i can see it. Eraserhead's dad buttfucked him so hard his ass is more blown than zeus to be titan homer simpson donut heavy gravity champ and the moon and a turtle in the moon and a marduk de sade nightmare gay rag club. Berlin bus pass, diaper fetish and 13 pet goblin soul hamsters for my hamster circle jerk mosh pit. #duranduranduran is the green mask jack russle

    Archie. ys Days

    Yeah Chris, you get it!!!

  57. Lachdanun

    That's a reallllllyy BIG shoe. signed ~ EES Scugs(Everything Except Shoes)

  58. johnesmoke1401

    Fucked up genius with a nod towards Black Sabbath.
    Locust Abortion Technician is perfection.

    Philip Eaton

    +johnesmoke1401 god damn right.

    Jason Diamond

    Top Notch. Big fan of Physic powerless another mans sack too. Hairway to Steven is strong also. They have so many wicked tunes!

  59. Cecilia Mackie

    Great work! :) Cecilia xo

  60. beyondthetruth

    Luv the Surfers!!!!!!!!!4 EVER!!!!!

  61. Tom Def

    une tuerie absolue

  62. RHZ Environmental

    What an awesome band!


    I've seen them 3 times since the first Lollapalooza in '91.  Last time was the night before New Years Eve 2009.  So fantastic.  I also saw Gibby with another band at a small punk club in San Diego called the Casbah in the mid 2000's.  The band was called 'His Problem'.  Fucking great.  Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  63. Richard Bexborn

    You can be sure to tell her SATAN, SATAN, SATAN Ruuuullllleeezzzz

  64. DrMarcusKane

    Used to love hearing this at the Barrel Organ in Birmingham, always played early on in an evening while you were fuelling up on cider before a great evening dancing your ass off!!

    Ofir Harlev

    Went through Birmingham traveling Europe.... What a boring city

  65. ForcedToSignUp

    Youtube song identifier thinks this is Orbital.

    Youtube is so fucking pathetic.

    Surfer Rosa

    YouTube; go to bed

  66. Jenkkipaska

    Butthole. Fucking butthole.
    Butthole for life, and death.
    Fuck You! Love!!!

  67. GLOWoftheABYSS

    What is madness for somebody is someone else politics.

  68. Paul de Konkoly Thege

    @mcdrunkin Screw that though, the two bands are almost incomparable they're so different. I mean the people who listen to their music and go to their shows are often googly on psychedelics but that's about it...Flaming Lips are always going for a more progressive, orchestral sound than these guys, who seem to me to be trying to experiment with crazy fucked up sounds and themes. I dunno I don't agree that these guys are more interesting, to me the Flaming Lips are a lot more musically engaging

    Liam Buchanan

    fuck off . no comparison. BS are the shit

  69. Wade Weeks

    anak anka

  70. Chuck House

    @Commonology Flaming Lips are much more known but the Surfers are 1000 times more interesting

  71. 53Awesome

    lol im the 666th person to view this

    David Walker

    !!!!!! #### b^^^ U (( )) ^^^^^^666666666666666666666666666666666666

  72. TheGreat TimeTraveler

    acid trip

    Papa Düm Tek

    I like this band and album....but is horrible on LSD.


Source: https://lyricsjonk.com/butthole-surfers-sweat-loaf.html

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